Action on Access is a support and change-management partnership organisation – a national provider of coordination and support for furthering access, widening participation and increasing student retention, success and progression through higher education across the UK since 2001.

Acknowledged nationally as a go-to and organisation of choice for anyone working to widen participation, improve student success and ensure fair access to the sector, Action on Access works to combat educational inequality and to break the barriers that many learners face to access and succeed in higher education.

 An essential first stop for anyone wanting to stay current and involved in all the latest Widening Participation and access initiatives, news, events, resources, information, and networking Action on Access provides a highly-valued, well-used electronic event and publication platform to over 1,500 practitioners, together with an invaluable monthly Widening Participation eBulletin.

 Action on Access regularly deliver bespoke individual guidance and support solutions to the sector working with institutional leaders, managers and practitioners, policy makers, funders, stakeholder groups and third sector organisations to:

  • promote inclusivity and diversity
  • challenge exclusion
  • and lobby for the widest broadest possible access to higher education which will, in turn, increase social justice and contribute significantly to greater social mobility.

Action on Access works with and has the support of key organisations across the sector, and is proud to work with NNECL.

[email protected]




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