The University is committed to helping looked-after children and care leavers access higher education, and as part of this commitment we offer the Aspire2Uni programme, which is a progressive programme launched in year seven that continues through to year 13.

Over the course of the programme, the University organises a series of ongoing outreach days and enrichment opportunities designed to raise aspirations, break down barriers, and inform progression to higher education.

Group, on-line and 1-1 (if appropriate) is also provided for young people and Virtual Schools, working in partnership with the University, provide any academic support required to aid progression.

In addition to the programme and open to all, the University organises a series of dedicated higher education awareness days for pre- and post-16 looked-after children, and for the influencers of looked-after children, such as carers, designated teachers and other professionals.

We can also offer you one-to-one application support and advice, or arrange any bespoke provision required.

Once you have made the decision to study at the University of Wolverhampton, we can provide you with pre-entry advice, personalised signposting to student support, a mentoring scheme, 52-week accommodation, financial and mentoring support.  See our website for details.

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