We are a member of NNECL: A network of individuals committed to transforming the progression of care leavers into further and higher education. NNECL supports professionals working with care-experienced students to improve the progression of young people in or leaving care into and through further and higher education.

We are also part of the Northern Care Leaver Activities and Student Support Group (NorthCLASS) which is a regional network of institutions across the north of England working to support Care Leavers in education. NorthCLASS provides a forum for strategic partnership between Higher Education providers in the North of England. It consists of a network of representatives from universities and colleges whose roles include supporting care leavers and coordinating activities for young people in care.

All care leaver, care experienced and estranged students will be given the opportunity to speak to a designated member of staff (Richard J Grout) at the start of the academic year to discuss their transition into university or into a new academic year. 

Students are also provided with comprehensive online e-guide providing information on the varieties of support available to them whilst studying on programme at the University of Hull.

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